Dear Student, Please find below the course-wise First Merit List for the academic year 2022-2023. BCom Day BCom Night BMS BAF BBI BSc CS BSC IT BSc Micro BAMMC Admission Team Lords Universal College Topiwala Marg, Off Station Road, Goregaon (W), Mumbai 400104 Tel : 022-28791111Read More
ADMISSION NOTICE First Year Degree College Admission Procedure 2022-23 For In-house students This is to inform you that the admissions to the First Year Degree College for In-house students will commence from Saturday 11th June 2022 to 20th June 2022. Our in-house students from Lords Universal Junior College can directly take admission during the above-mentioned...Read More
Dear Students, Please note the following details with regards to the Verification & Photocopy of the Answer sheet as guided by the HSC Board. HSC Verification / Photocopy – March 2022 Verification of Marksheet Date: – 10/06/2022 to 20/06/2022 Photocopy of Answer sheet Date: – 10/06/2022 to 29/06/2022 Click on the link ( By...Read More
ADMISSION NOTICE FOR THE SECOND YEAR DEGREE COURSES AY 2022-2023 Dear Students, We are pleased to inform you that the admission process is starting from 6th June, 2022 for the students eligible to take admission to Second Year (B.Com.(Day & Night) / B.M.S. / B.A.F. / B.B.I. / B.A.M.M.C. / B.Sc.Micro / B.Sc.IT / B.Sc.CS)...Read More
Dear Students, Please find below the result of Semester II May 2022. FY BCOM (D) SEM II FY BCOM (N) SEM II FY BMS SEM II FY BAF SEM II FY BBI SEM II FY BAMMC SEM II FY MICRO SEM II FY IT SEM II FY CS SEM II.Read More