Notice Regarding N.S.S Registration for A.Y.2022-23
LUC-D/N.S.S./001/22-23 Date: – 26-7-2022
Greetings from N.S.S Committee!
All the students of First Year and Second Year Degree College are informed that the registration process for N.S.S Volunteers is starting from 27-7-2022 for the A.Y. 2022-23. Interested students can fill the online registration form with the help of the link given below. After submission of the registration form, you are required to join a WhatsApp group with the link given in the form. There is a separate group for boys and girls, so join accordingly.
Registration Link: –
The last date to fill the registration form is 13/8/2022 till 5 pm.
Prof. Arjun Pasi & Prof. Ekta C.
(NSS Programme Officers)