First Year Degree College Admission Procedure 2022-23
For In-house students
This is to inform you that the admissions to the First Year Degree College for In-house students will commence from Saturday 11th June 2022 to 20th June 2022. Our in-house students from Lords Universal Junior College can directly take admission during the above-mentioned period. You may fill the form from the college premises itself Room no 101.
We, at Lords Universal College, Goregaon (W) offer the following courses:
Bachelor of Commerce – (B.Com.) [Day & Night], Bachelor of Management Studies – (BMS), Bachelor of Commerce [Accounting & Finance] – (BAF), Bachelor of Commerce [Banking & Insurance] – (BBI), Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia & Mass Communication (BAMMC), Bachelor of Science – (Microbiology), Bachelor of Science [Information Technology] – (BSc IT), Bachelor of Science [Computer Science] – (BSc. CS)
Students must follow the following steps:
- Visit:
- Fill out the University of Mumbai Pre-Registration form 2022-23
- Select ‘LORDS UNIVERSAL COLLEGE’ and College codes 647 (Day College) and 999 (Night College).
- Visit us at and please fill out the College Admission Form.
- Scan and upload the requested documents.
- The students must bring the following documents:
- Passport size photograph
- Signature copy
- University Pre-enrolment Form
- HSC Marksheet
- HSC Leaving Certificate
- SSC Passing Certificate
- Gujarati Linguistic Minority Certificate (if applicable)
- Any other certificate as applicable. (E.g., Physically Handicap, Children with special needs like learning disabilities etc.)
- After submitting the pre-admission form, the application will be reviewed by the admission department.
- Forms that are incomplete or incorrectly filled out will be rejected.
- The merit list will include all forms that have been verified and approved, it will be put up on the college notice board and website at
- You will receive an SMS and email regarding the admission process, fee details, and payment procedure after selection.
- You must pay your fees and get the requisite documents physically verified within the specified timeframe to secure your admission.
- If you do not pay your fees by the declared deadline it will result in your seat being forfeited.
Other Universal Education Colleges:
At Vidya Vikas Universal College, Malad (W)
Bachelor of Commerce – (B.Com.), Bachelor of Management Studies – (BMS), Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia & Mass Communication (BAMMC)
At Universal MSG-SGKM College, Ghatkopar (E)
Bachelor of Management Studies – (BMS), Bachelor of Commerce [Accounting & Finance] – (BAF), Bachelor of Science [Information Technology] – (BSc IT), Bachelor of Science [Computer Science] – (BSc. CS)
Lords Universal College
Topiwala Marg, Off Staion Road,
Goregaon (W), Mumbai 400 104